Thursday, April 4, 2013

Let's Turnip the Heat

Seriously though, it has been rainy and in the 40s. Not that I'm super prepared for the 105s we're going to see in the coming months.. but COME ON. Mountain Man's corn seedlings are hogging my window space, and they need to get the heck out (I mean.. outside).

My window herb garden is in the works. First, I picked up some parsley, garlic chive, and (true) lavender seeds. I've never consumed garlic chives before, so I cannot wait to munch on some of those. I also came home with a (provence) lavender seedling. I have been absolutely dying to grow lavender since we started our gardening activities, and I couldn't leave the store without it. I'm excited to see how seeds I planted do. My seedling already smells amazing.

Then, I went to my vat of empty formula cans and grabbed a few. I rinsed them out, painted them, and hammered drainage holes in the bottom.

Next, I sent Mountain Man to the garden for some compost to fill the containers with, and planted my seeds. Every few days, I set them in a tray of water and let them sit over night to suck up as much moisture as they want, and stick them back in the window in the morning (I am wary of watering from the top, I induced some gnarly tomato-leaf rotting that way). Here they are just growing away.

From top to bottom- provence lavender, true lavender, parsley, chives, and one more true lavender.
I have a big green pot set aside for my lavender seedling. It will need to be transplanted soon as it has really taken off. It's even starting to grow flowers, and they're lavender!

Soon, I will put in a shelf and plant more things. But we are certainly off to a good start. Yay, spring!

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